Get rid of blackheads in 15 minutes with a natural mask


You don’t need anymore those special bands for extracting blackheads because you can clean your skin with a simple homemade mask. This mask is great!! I tried it many times and I still prepare it at least two times in a month. I will definitely prepare it these days, to start the new year with my nose clean an beautiful. 
You need only two ingredients: – gelatin envelope without fragrances. – or dyes and a few teaspoons of milk. Mix one teaspoon of gelatin with 2-3 teaspoons of milk until is formed a paste. Then put the paste obtained in the microwave for a few seconds. Mix again the paste for several times and immediately apply a thin layer on face. Leave it on your face for about 15 minutes, until you feel strengthened and tighten the face, then peel it.

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