8 Simple ways to stay slim


Balance your blood sugar,Stable blood sugar helps you burn fat and reduces sugar cravings. Eat more vegetables and beans, and go easy on the sweet fruit and fruit juices. Eat a protein breakfast , Breakfast lights the fire of your metabolism, meaning it’ll burn calories more effectively all day. Scale down your starches, No one ever got overweight from eating too much grilled chicken. Instead, it’s the potato, pasta, rice and bread (even brown) that do the damage. Eat good fats, but don’t go mad. 
Eat a third of your food raw, Eating more raw food not only increases your intake of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it will also keep the calorie count down. A big bowl of salad may only contain 100 calories (without dressing), less than an average chocolate biscuit. The simplest way to keep your daily calorie count under control is to skip pudding, replacing it with a piece of fresh fruit or a little bit of dark chocolate. Reduce snacking, Eat three balanced meals and two protein/carb snacks a day (e.g. celery and cottage cheese or an apple and a yoghurt) to keep your weight under control..... click on link to see more

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