9 Yoga poses for a perky booty


The maximus is the primary gluteal muscle. Extending the thigh backward into any hip extension will activate the maximus. Poses that will strengthen the gluteus maximus are Crescent Lunge, Warrior 3, and Standing Splits.The medius is situated on the outer surface of the pelvis and works to abduct (pull the thigh away from the midline). 
Working the medius will tone the upper hips and create a strong and well-rounded side booty. Work the medius by practicing Half-Moon (Ardha Chandrasana), Goddess pose (Utkata Konasana) and Reverse Plank. The minimus is the part of the booty that is responsible for “THE LIFT”. Practicing Bridge pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Bow pose (Dhanurasana), and Locust pose (Salabhasana) will target this portion of the glutes. Advertisement

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